Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD)
Along with bipolar disorder, there is no other psychiatric condition that is more misunderstood or maligned like social anxiety disorder.
When it comes to the study of psychiatric medicine, the world has come a long way as there have been great strides made in helping educate people as to the severity and scope of mental health disorders.
Granted, there are many people who live in the dark days of mental health and do not believe that certain psychiatric conditions have any legitimacy and that they are the construct of a person’s weak will and psychologists who take advantage of people who have “nothing wrong with them.”
“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” ~Eleanor Roosevelt
Misconceptions of SAD
Social anxiety disorder is a condition that precludes people from having normal social interactions because social settings cause a great deal of stress and nervousness. The stress and nervousness that people face is so severe that it is next to impossible to overcome without professional help.
People afflicted with social anxiety disorder will have a tendency to spend time alone and avoid the world, so to speak and have a tremendous amount of difficulty being around people in both personal and professional settings. Needless to say, SAD can greatly harm a person’s life to a significant degree because of this.
Managing SAD
It would be highly advised to seek professional help and discuss the impact such a condition is causing with a therapist or psychologist. This way, one can find a way of coping with the problems that social anxiety disorder has caused and how to free oneself from its mental shackles.
While therapy and counselling is a great way to help alleviate the problems of social anxiety disorder, they will generally not be enough to reduce the condition to a completely manageable level. Psychiatric disorders of this type generally require outpatient drug therapy under the watchful eye of a qualified psychiatrist. However, a combination of medication treatment and counselling therapy is generally recommended.
To learn more about social anxiety disorder check out the video link below.
Please note that the content provided is for informational purposes only. This information is not advice and should not be treated as professional advice. You must not rely on the information in this blog as an alternative to advice from your medical professional or healthcare provider.
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