Light At the End of the Tunnel The need for positive thinking today. With the year that was and the pandemic’s wrath upon the global health of humans worldwide, don’t we need some positivity in our lives? With the advent of vaccines making their way to countries all...
Mental Health Shift Nowadays, there has been less stigma and at long last, a major shift of focus towards the importance of mental health. Meditation, mindfulness, and yoga have not only been beneficial for adults, but more recently, kids have also participated in...
Feeling of Gratitude No other time in recent history has the feeling of gratitude been more pronounced. After the mental, physical and social toll of the pandemic’s wrath upon the world over the last year, life is finally beginning to return to some semblance of...
After such an unprecedented and disruptive school year, there have been many calls from government agencies to study and report on how our youth’s mental health has been tested during this pandemic year. Kids Anxiety and Stress Levels Despite this effort from...
This school year has been unprecedented, from online learning to quarantining and being asked to move to at home learning for weeks on end, when a case of Covid 19 is declared or there is an outbreak. As a result, this school year has been so disruptive and...
Anybody else worried about the school year 2020-2021? If you are like most parents and educational staff, you are definitely worried about the toll that this school year has had on students, our kids. The way we talk to our children becomes their inner voice.” — Peggy...
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Quote Of The Day
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.”
— Jesus Christ
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