Mindfulness Meditation Poem

A Journey through Mindfulness Meditation Take a Deep Breath and let go of the day,Quiet your mind, let your worries stray,Bring your awareness to this moment now,Embrace the peace, let your troubles bow. Find a comfortable seat, a quiet place,Allow yourself to sink...

A Poem on Mental Health Awareness

Breaking the Stigma: A Poem on Mental Health Awareness Mental health, is a subject once taboo, But now we know, it affects me and you. It’s not a weakness, nor a source of shame, But rather a challenge, we cannot blame. From anxiety to depression, and everything...


What is Mindfulness Meditation?  We live in a very complex world. People are bombarded with information overload on a daily basis, which can cause mental exhaustion and mental health issues from arising. Meditation, specifically Mindfulness Meditation, can help...

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